Trendy Handbag
I've got my bag. Yay!!!
I like this bag so much, I've seen it from Mina Taiwan magazine before, Taiwan is selling this bag for RM 200++. My sister supposed to get her friends to buy for us but it so happened I saw this bag is also selling on It is cheaper though. SG $38, after added shipping fees it's around RM 125, so I decided to buy it online. It tooks 4 days to arrive.
I like this bag so much, I've seen it from Mina Taiwan magazine before, Taiwan is selling this bag for RM 200++. My sister supposed to get her friends to buy for us but it so happened I saw this bag is also selling on It is cheaper though. SG $38, after added shipping fees it's around RM 125, so I decided to buy it online. It tooks 4 days to arrive.
Familiar with this bag? After I browse through only I realised the design of this bag is actually imitated Mulberry, Alexa-inspired Satchel. Haha
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